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FGA Premium Sunn Hemp

Sunn Hemp - A Warm Season Legume

FGA Sunn Hemp is a warm season legume that is an outstanding cover crop that establishes rapidly in warm, summer climates and produces large amounts of biomass. When grown for longer periods of time with favorable growing conditions, it can produce as much as 5 tons of biomass per acre.  

FGA Premium Sunn Hemp is Excellent For:

  • Fast growing cover crop for summer use

  • Good Nitrogen fixation

  • Weed suppressant (with increased seeding rate)

  • Good wind erosion control

  • Large biomass and forage production

  • Drought tolerant

  • May suppress certain nematodes

When planted at higher seeding rates on narrow rows, sunn hemp can suppress Palmer Amaranth an other weeds.  In no-till operations, it can be rolled down to create a mat that can prolong weed suppression.


When combined with a sorghum sudangrass, BMR sorghum or pearl millet it can make an excellent forage mix that can be harvested in as little as 50 days from planting date.  In the pictures on the right, a custom mix of sunn hemp and sorghum sudan grass was planted on July 2nd after wheat harvest. Standing over 5 ft. tall, it was cut on August 24 and round-baled as a forage. The forage quality tests are listed here.

Planting and Control Guide

Planting: Anytime after the last threat of spring frost.  For the most benefit, plant a minimum of 8 weeks prior to first frost.

Seeding Depth: 0.5" - 1" as required for good seed-to-soil contact. Comparable seed on drill chart is Wheat.

Seeding Rate:

  • Drilling (7.5" rows): 15 lbs. per acre

  • Broadcast / Aerial: Not Recommended

  • Precision Planting

    • 15" rows with 4" in-row spacing: 10 lbs. per acre​​

    • 30" rows with 4" in-row spacing: 5 lbs. per acre

  • For Excellent weed control: Increase drilling rate to 25-30 lbs. per acre

Control: It is recommended to terminate sunn hemp as soon as a yellow flower is visible if not frost is in sight.  Fibrous stems are difficult to manage the following spring and could damage not-till planter bearings.

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field of cover crop buckshot annual ryegrass

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